Welcome to the Visual Computation lab at the Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior and Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, led by Dr. Janneke Jehee.
We tend to trust our eyes, believing them to be reliable transmitters of information about our visual environment. In truth, however, the signals they produce from moment to moment are noisy and incomplete. How do we 'decide' what we see based on such limited and uncertain information? What brain mechanisms underlie this ability? What neural computations allow us to improve the reliability of sensory information and make better visual decisions? Our lab uses a combination of neuroimaging (fMRI), computational modeling and visual psychophysics to address these and other questions regarding the neural basis of human vision and visual decision-making.
Apr 2024
We have an opening for a PhD student in the lab! The successful candidate will work on studies of visual decision-making and confidence. Please see our previous work (e.g., here and here) for more information on research style and approach, this website for more information about overarching research themes, and this website if you would like to apply.
Nov 2023
Welcome to Leni, who joins the lab as an MSc student!
Oct 2023
Welcome to Yuxuan, who joins the lab as a PhD student!
Aug 2022
Laura gave an interview on Dutch national radio, see here. That’s really cool, Laura!
June 2022
Congrats to Dr. Joey for succesfully defending her PhD thesis!
Jan 2022
Laura and Janneke were interviewed for articles about the lab's work on confidence, see here and here.
Dec 2021
Welcome to Marc, who joins the lab as an MSc student!
Oct 2021
Congrats to Joey, who submitted her PhD thesis and will start as a postdoc in Kia Nobre’s lab at the University of Oxford!
Jul 2021
Congrats to Laura, who submitted her PhD thesis and is now a postdoc in the lab!
March 2021
Congrats to Laura for winning a 2021 Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Award!
Feb 2021
Congrats to Dr. Andrea for successfully defending his PhD thesis!